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The interests of the Paintings Working Group encompass all areas of research that may contribute to the understanding of the materiality and making of paintings and which facilitates their conservation and presentation. In this context, paintings are defined as moveable, largely two-dimensional images created for the primary purpose of providing a visual experience; such objects have been produced world-wide, from antiquity to the present. Paintings may be executed on any type of support, including but not limited to: wood, textile, metal, stone, glass, and plastic. Group members, working alone or in interdisciplinary teams, undertake study in the fields of art technology; scientific analysis of painting materials and their alterations with age; the analysis and development of conservation materials; materials science related to environmental conditions and painted systems, as well as new methods and technologies for remedial conservation and restoration. Creating and supporting international networks for the dissemination of research are amongst the group’s priorities.
Coordinator of the Working Group
Sue Ann Chui
National Gallery of Art Washington, District of Columbia USA s-chui@nga.gov
Assistant Coordinators
Mine Diri
The Department of Culture And Tourism - Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Joanna Strombek
Stichting Restauratie Atelier Limburg (SRAL) Maastricht, THE NETHERLANDS
Victor Marques
Marques Restauro São Paulo, BRAZIL
Nikita Shah
Museum of Fine Arts Houston Houston, Texas, USA
Laura Hartman
Dallas Museum of Art Dallas, Texas, USA
Aimee Hawker
Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) Ottawa, CANADA
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