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Archaeological Materials and Sites
Archaeological Materials and Sites

Archaeological Materials and Sites

The ICOM-CC Archaeological Materials and Sites Working Group is an international forum for the discussion of technical and ethical issues relating to the preservation and conservation of archaeological objects, the collections that they comprise, and the sites from which they come. The goal of this Group is to augment the existing ICOM-CC Working Groups and provide an interdisciplinary venue for discussing the conservation of archaeological materials. Its aim is to engage with and disseminate information to archaeologists, site managers, conservators, collections managers and curators. The Group is interested in in-situ conservation of archaeological sites, reburial studies, site management, and the on-going care and study of all archaeological materials after excavation.



Coordinator of the Working Group

Francis Lukezic

NTNU Vitenskapsmuseet
Erling Skakkes gate 47B
Trondheim NORWAY

Assistant Coordinators

Stefania Chlouveraki

University of West Attica
Athens, GREECE

Holly Jones-Amin

Grimwade Conservation Services
The University of Melbourne
Melbourne, AUSTRALIA

Leslie Friedman

Getty Conservation Institute, J. Paul Getty Trust
Los Angeles, California, USA

Elizabeth Ellen Peacock

NTNU University Museum
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Trondheim, NORWAY