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Objects from Indigenous and World Cultures Working Group online workshop, 20 September 2024

August 19 2024 Objects from Indigenous and World Cultures Working Group Working Groups

The Objects from Indigenous and World Cultures Working Group will hold an online workshop on 20 September 2024, addressing: 

Cultural Management as a fundamental axis for raising awareness among Indigenous communities; Conservation and Restoration of the Church and Cultural Heritage of Levanto - Amazonas, Peru

"La gestión cultural como eje fundamental para la sensibilización de la población de Levanto - Amazonas".

The workshop will be held in Spanish.

Date: 20 September 2024. 
Event time:  9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Peru (check for your local start time)
Venue: Zoom platform; link will be sent to registered participants

We have limited the workshop to one hour, as we are conscious of the many commitments each of us may have.

This will be an informal event, starting with a presentation from a professional conservator on professional experiences in Amazonia. The presentation will be followed by a discussion with participants.

The workshop is a free event, open to all.

It will be recorded. For privacy reasons, the recordings will only be accessible for a limited time (20 September - 20 October 2024), only for the pre-registered participants. 

Registered participants will receive a Zoom meeting link shortly before the event.

Please do not share the Zoom link; instead encourage interested parties to register using the form to be found at:

We hope for a rich discussion and we encourage everyone to participate if possible. If you cannot attend live but would like to ask some questions, please send them to Ana Carolina Delgado Vieira so they can be discussed during the event.

We are delighted that a very experienced speaker has accepted to join us for this workshop:

Nóriko Nishimura Palomino graduated in Conservation and Restoration from the National University of San Marcos, with a Master’s degree in Museology and Cultural Management from Ricardo Palma University, both in Lima, Peru. She has worked at the National Library of Peru, and the General Archive of the Nation. Additionally, she served as a Specialist in the execution of conservation and restoration projects outside of metropolitan Lima, specifically in the Amazonas region, focusing on the recovery of churches and other cultural items. She has participated in various national and international conferences, presenting her research on the application of alternative materials for the intervention of cultural heritage and the dissemination of cultural management within the community.

Nóriko Nishimura Palomino es licenciada en Conservación y Restauración por la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, con Maestría en Museología y Gestión Cultural por la Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru. Ha trabajado en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú y en el Archivo General de la Nación. Además, participó como Especialista en la ejecución de obras de conservación y restauración fuera de Lima Metropolitana, en la región Amazonas, para la recuperación de iglesias y bienes culturales muebles. Ha participado en diferentes conferencias nacionales e internacionales, exponiendo sus investigaciones sobre la aplicación de materiales alternativos para la intervención de bienes culturales y la difusión de la gestión cultural en manos de la población.