What we do
ICOM-CC 2024 Flyer
ICOM-CC 2024 Flyer
Join us now!
By joining ICOM-CC, the International Committee for Conservation, you become part of the largest worldwide network of conservation professionals, which aims to promote the investigation, analysis and conservation of culturally and historically significant works, and to further the goals of the conservation profession.
Benefits of membership
- Subscription to ICOM-CC e-zine On Board
- Participation in Working Groups including subscription to Working Group Newsletters
- Reduced registration fees at the ICOM-CC Triennial Conferences and Interim Meetings of Working Groups when applicable
- Voting rights for matters such as the election of the Directory Board members and Working Group Coordinators
- Eligibility to stand for office within the ICOM-CC structure as a Directory Board member or Working Group Coordinator
- For more information about becoming a member of ICOM and ICOM-CC visit our website: www.icom-cc.com
Connect to our network
ICOM-CC is the largest of the 34 International Committees of ICOM.
By being member of ICOM-CC you are also connected to the global network of:
- 55,000+ museums and museum professionals
- 5000+ professionals in conservation
- 125 ICOM National Committees
- 34 ICOM International Committees
- 8 ICOM Regional Alliances
Where to find us?
ICOM-CC’s sustaining partners
- Getty Conservation Institute (GCI)
- Getty Foundation
- Stichting ICOM-CC FUND
Donate today to support our projects:
Share our passion
ICOM-CC is made up of 21 working groups and offers over 5000 conservators, scientists, curators and other professionals the opportunity to collaborate, study and promote the conservation and analysis of culturally and historically significant works.
ICOM-CC’s 21 Working Groups
- Archaeological Materials and Sites
- Art Technological Source Research
- Documentation
- Education and Training in Conservation
- Glass and Ceramics
- Graphic Documents
- Leather and Related Materials
- Metals
- Modern Materials and Contemporary Art
- Murals, Stone, and Rock Art
- Natural History Collections
- Objects from Indigenous and World Cultures
- Paintings
- Photographic Materials
- Preventive Conservation
- Scientific Research
- Sculpture, Polychromy, and Architectural Decorations
- Textiles
- Theory, History, and Ethics of Conservation
- Wet Organic Archaeological Materials
- Wood, Furniture, and Lacquer
Brighten your vision
ICOM-CC aims to promote the conservation of culturally and historically significant works and to further the goals of the conservation profession around the world.
ICOM-CC strategic plan 2023-2026
During the triennial period 2023-2026, ICOM-CC will be guided by the following objectives:
- Advocate and celebrate the essential role of conservation philosophy in practice to the sustainable development of museums and the excellence of the work carried out by our members.
- Explore and develop new opportunities for crossdisciplinary collaboration within the ICOM community.
- Recognising that conservation is a global undertaking, seek to deepen our member’s experience and engage new members in ICOM-CC.
- Engage with the topic of sustainability throughout the ICOM-CC structure ensuring that the Committee’s work is effective in leading relevant professional practice.
- Manage Committee operations in a consistent, professional, and efficient way.
Attend our activities
Triennial Conferences bring together professionals from all over the world who are interested in conservation. The Conference represents the apex of the triennial activity of the Committee and of its Working Groups.
The next Triennial Conference is 14 to 18 September 2026 in Oslo, Norway.
ICOM-CC’s past and future activities
- Triennial Conference 2026, Oslo, Norway
- ICOM General Conference 2025, Dubai, UAE
- Triennial Conference 2023, Valencia, Spain
- ICOM General Conference 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
- Triennial Conference 2020, Beijing, China
- ICOM General Conference 2019, Kyoto, Japan
- Triennial Conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark
- ICOM General Conference 2016, Milan, Italy
- Triennial Conference 2014, Melbourne, Australia
- ICOM General Conference 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Triennial Conference 2011, Lisbon, Portugal
- ICOM General Conference 2010, Shanghai, China
- Triennial Conference 2008, New Delhi, India
- ICOM General Conference 2007, Vienna, Austria
- Triennial Conference 2005, The Hague, Netherlands
Don’t forget to check out our past Working Group activities on the ICOM-CC Publications Online Platform.
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