Home | Galleries | ICOM-CC 2023 València ICOM-CC 2023 València Photos of the ICOM-CC Triennial Conference 2023 in València, Spain. València detail Day 1 Palau des Artes venue Day 1 Palau des Artes venue Day 1 Chair and Triennial Lecturer Day 1 Indian Conservators Day 1 Welcome Reception Day 1 NOC 2023 team Day 1 Food ICOM-CC 2023 València Day 1 ICOM-CC Directory Board Day 1 Triennial Lecturer Day 1 Triennial Lecturer stage Day 1 Plenary Discussion stage Day 1 Keynote Day 1 Stichting ICOM-CC FUND Day 1 Stichting ICOM-CC FUND stage Day 1 Plenary Discussion Day 1 Getty Day 1 Apoyo Online Day 1 Directory Board stage Day 1 Fund Day 2 Participants Day 2 Chair Secretary Getty Day 2 TruVue Students Day 2 Keynote Day 3 Working Group group Day 3 Getty Poster session 1 Poster session 2 Day 4 Group at Conference Dinner Day 4 Group at Dinner Day 4 Conference dinner venue Day 4 After Conference dinner Day 5 Closing Ceremony venue Day 5 Closing Ceremony venue Day 5 Closing Ceremony venue Day 5 Getty Day 5 Closing ceremony past Directory Board Day 5 Steph Day 5 Audience Day 5 Audience Day 5 Auditorium Day 5 Auditorium Day 5 ICOM-CC Medalists Day 5 Emma Nardi Day 5 Coordinator group Day 5 Oslo NOC 2026 Day 5 ICOM-CC 2026 Venue Day 5 ICOM-CC and NOC NOC 2023 Volunteers Day 5 Chair and Oslo NOC 2026 Day 5 ICOM-CC Medalists all Chair and Gael UPV campus Chinese delegation Chair and Secretary Working Group session 1/6 Working Group session 2/6 Working Group session 3/6 Working Group session 4/6 Working Group session 5/6 Working Group session 6/6 Share Tweet Send page to a friend Attention An error has occurred; please try again later. The page has been sent Use the form bellow to send page to another friend. Use the form below to share this page to a friend