History of ICOM-CC
Fifty Years of ICOM-CC: 1967–2017
Fifty Years of ICOM-CC: 1967–2017
ICOM-CC marked its fiftieth anniversary at the 18th Triennial Conference , Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2017.
Created in 1967 from a small nucleus of conservation professionals, ICOM-CC now has over 4000 members worldwide, making it the largest international conservation organization and the largest of ICOM’s International Committees. ICOM-CC Triennial Conferences, Working Group interim meetings, and related publications are among the most respected in the profession.
The growth and history of ICOM-CC.
Under the guidance of ICOM-CC Secretary, Joan M. Reifsnyder, and Preprints Managing Editor, Janet Bridgland, the project to record ICOM-CC’s history began with a systematic review of ICOM-CC’s archives and compilation of basic historical information on Directory Board members, Working Group Coordinators, Preprints, and ICOM-CC Medal recipients, etc.
50th anniversary Publication
Preparations for a publication for ICOM-CC's 50th anniversary began in 2011 with a reorganisation of the Committee's archives and files. After 2014, the project further developed into the "History Project" and included the collaboration of ICOM-CC members in locating and submitting photographic memorabilia for a "My Moment" page, which stores some of the unforgettable images and moments of individual's experiences with ICOM-CC. This work was expanded and underscored in a publication commemorating ICOM-CC's 50th anniversary, celebrated at the ICOM-CC Triennial Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark from 4-8 September 2017.
The 50th anniversary publication was printed in 1,100 softcover copies that were distributed to delegates and other dignitaries at the Copenhagen Conference. As part of the initiative aimed at providing access to the the publication for all ICOM-CC members, the extended ICOM family and colleagues throughout the world, the publication is available for download in pdf format here.
The publication was written by Joan Reifsnyder, ICOM-CC Secretary and Janet Bridgland, ICOM-CC Managing Editor for Preprints ....and of course the many, many members and friends who contributed their time, photos, memories and reflections to the work.
The publication was edited by Carla Nunes; the design and layout were done by Eduardo Pulido and the hardcopy printing was done by MR-Artes Gráficas Lda., all in Lisbon, Portugal.
Kristiane Straetkvern, Chair of ICOM-CC at the time of the History Project and publication, states in the introductory passages to the publication: "...The book provides the perfect point-in-time look back as we look forward to the next 50 years. It is a commemorative milestone for the Committee for Conservation, it will take our senior members for a walk down memory lane and provide our younger members with information and useful background on our committee; how it started, developed, changed and grew during its first 50 years. The book clearly demonstrates the vitality, dedication and enthusiasms in our membership and I hope will inspire to continued progress and dynamism in the future. Good reading to you all."

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