ICOM-CC is the largest of the International Committees of ICOM (International Council of Museums), a non-profit organisation subject to French law (the 1901 Associations Act) and a non-governmental organisation. ICOM-CC has currently about 5000 members worldwide from every branch of the museum and conservation profession.
ICOM-CC aims to promote the conservation of culturally and historically significant works and to further the goals of the conservation profession.
Specialist Working Groups
ICOM-CC is built up of specialist Working Groups, which actively communicate with their members through newsletters, meetings and at the Triennial Congress.
Triennial Conferences
The Triennial Conference brings the membership of ICOM-CC together to report and to review current research. Almost 3000 papers have been published in the Conference Preprints in the past fifty-six years.
ICOM-CC comprises almost 5000 people from every continent concerned with the museum world and with the conservation of objects of historic and artistic significance.
ICOM-CC is one of 32 International Committees that are part of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).
ICOM-CC provides a framework within which conservation specialists can meet and work on an interdisciplinary level. Twenty-one Working Groups form the backbone of the Committee. They deal with topics such as:
- scientific investigations of objects of significance to cultural and natural history;
- solutions to conservation problems;
- development of standard techniques and manuals;
- disaster management and preventive conservation
Each Working Group is made up of members interested in specific areas of research and linked by a coordinator elected by the members themselves.
ICOM-CC organize Triennial Conferences to bring together professionals from all over the world who are interested in conservation. The Conference represents the apex of the triennial activity of the Committee and of its Working Groups.
During the Conference the Committee's members present and discuss the results of the last three years work. These contributions are published in the Conference Preprints, which constitute one of the most important publications in the field of conservation.
Working Group Coordinators and the Committee's Directory Board are elected at the Triennial Conference. Both the Coordinators and the Directory Board's members are in office for three years and can be re-elected for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
For further information about the work of ICOM-CC, contact our secretariat.
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